Event Information
BRING HOME THE TEACHINGS Location: Grace building

Create a Steadfast Meditation Practice

Sundays, February 8, 15, and 22 1:30 to 3:00 pm
Free will offering.

“Meditate more deeply every day.” ~Paramahansa Yogananda

Would you like to meditate daily but can’t seem to find the time? Do you notice the difference it makes when you do meditate? Are you still not sure you are meditating correctly? In three Sunday afternoons we will study and practice to deepen meditation and encourage a daily routine that will transform our life.

We will focus on:
• pranayama (control of vital force)
• pratyahara (interiorization) 
• dharana (concentration)

Both experienced and new meditators are welcome. Take as a series for maximum benefit or individually.

“Progress is in accord with the intensity of practice, whether mild, medium, or extremely intensive.” ~Patanjali’s Yoga sutra 1.22